Per Diem Rates
Allowance Rates
Standardized Regulations (DSSR)
General Information
Quarterly Report Indexes
Office of Allowances

Living Quarters Allowance

Living Quarters Allowance (LQA): This allowance is granted to an employee to help defray the annual cost of suitable, adequate living quarters for the employee and his/her family at a foreign post where government-leased or -owned housing is not provided. The LQA rates are designed to substantially cover the average employee's costs for rent, utilities, required taxes levied by the local government, and other allowable expenses. Living quarters allowance rates are categorized by "quarters groups" based on the employee's grade level or rank and his/her family size. Additional amounts of up to 10%, 20%, or 30% above the LQA rates may be allowed for larger families. For further information on LQA see DSSR 
130. DSSR 136 contains guidance for employees occupying personally-owned quarters.

Special Quarters Allowance

Attention all USG Agencies with civilian employees assigned to foreign posts who are receiving a Living Quarters Allowance (LQA).  Pursuant to DSSR 013, to address the unusual circumstances caused by escalating utility expenses that are not covered under the current LQA rates, the Department of State's Assistant Secretary for Administration (A) has approved a 12-month special quarters allowance of up to ten percent for LQA locations for allowable utility expenses.  The 12-month period commences on January 26, 2025 and terminates on January 24, 2026. Example: If an employee's yearly LQA maximum is $24,000 an agency may reimburse an employee an additional yearly amount of up to $2,400 for utility expenses.  This amounts to a monthly relief of up to $200 or a biweekly relief of up to $92.31.  Agencies should review DSSR 134.16 for reconciliation of actual expenses incurred by the employee versus what has been disbursed.  

Note to Department of State LQA locations: this special quarters allowance may be applied with the understanding that relevant cost increases would be paid from within existing post or bureau resources. Posts should contact their Bureaus for authorization and the reconciliation of actual expenses.


DS-7604 (05/2006) - Living Quarters Summary Expenditure Report
*Form to complete Living Quarters Allowance survey

DS-0130 (04/2015) - LQA Annual/Interim Expenditures Worksheet (Intranet ONLY)
*Worksheet for Employee to process LQA claim


LQA Rates

Allowance By Location
*To view Reporting Schedule select Allowances by Location and enter your post name

Survey Status by Post
 (Intranet ONLY)


 Living Quarters Allowance

Foreign Service Assignment Notebook