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Office of Allowances
Department of State Standardized Regulations - (Last updated 03/28/2010)





341 Vouchers (eff. 3/28/2010 TL:SR 730)


Representation allowances may be reimbursed to an employee (including foreign national employees), to adult family members or they may be paid directly to a vendor upon presentation of appropriate vouchers for allowable expenditures (Section 320). 


342 Direct Payment to Suppliers  (eff. 3/28/2010 TL:SR 730)


Posts are authorized to directly reimburse suppliers who provide goods and services for representational events. Upon submission of appropriate Representational vouchers, signed by the official hosting the event, payment may be made directly to the vendor. Prior to using direct reimbursement for representational events, it is the responsibility of posts to establish a specific policy clearly indicating the requirements for direct reimbursement procurements for representational events. In addition, post policy should include a list of those employees authorized to hold a representational event in which “direct billing” may be used, as well as of those employees authorized to approve such events. The event holder (or appropriate official) must ensure that sufficient representational funds are available prior to incurring a direct expense with a vendor. The policy may also include a dollar threshold for events that may take advantage of direct billing orders with vendors. In cases of direct reimbursement, the use of procurement orders, such as blanket purchase agreements, with local vendors is encouraged.


343 Certification of Vouchers (eff. 3/28/2010 TL:SR 730)


Before certifying a voucher for payment, the authorized certifying officer shall determine that no prohibited items are included therein (Section 330) and that the voucher contains an explanation of the expenditures by employees and adult family members acting with or on their behalf as listed below:


a. Vouchers for Entertainment


(1) type, purpose and location of function;


(2) names and titles of American and foreign guests of honor; and


(3) a brief description of the official business conducted when all guests are U.S. citizens as authorized in Section 320e above.


b. Vouchers for Representation other than Entertainment


(1) occasion;


(2) name and title of recipient or recipients; and


(3) reason for expenditure.


344 Receipts for Reimbursement to Employee (eff. 3/28/2010 TL:SR 730)


Evidence of expenditure will be supplied for each expenditure of $75 or more for any single occasion.  Expenditures must be supported by receipt, copy of canceled check, credit card charges, admission ticket stub or other similar physical means.  For each expenditure of less than $75 the employee's certification will be sufficient when it is impracticable to obtain a receipt.