Per Diem Rates
Allowance Rates
Standardized Regulations (DSSR)
General Information
Quarterly Report Indexes
Office of Allowances
Department of State Standardized Regulations - (Last updated 01/14/2001)



Under the general provisions of Chapter 000 and the modifying provisions of this chapter, a teacher (Section 040n) who is assigned to a teaching position at a post (Section 040h) may be granted quarters allowances in accordance with Chapter 100, cost-of-living allowances in accordance with Chapter 200, be paid a post differential in accordance with Chapter 500, and may be paid a difficult to staff incentive differential in accordance with Chapter 1000. 


721 Commencement of Grant After Early Arrival 

Where a teacher who is not entitled to a living quarters allowance under Section 723.1 for personal convenience arrives at the post in advance of the date normally scheduled by the agency, the date of arrival for commencement of any quarters allowance grant shall be considered to be the date after actual arrival on which they enter into pay status in a teaching position. 

722 Termination of Grant 

An allowance grant (except a quarters allowance grant provided for under Section 723), not otherwise terminated under applicable sections of these regulations, shall terminate at the end of the teacher's required work status in a teaching position at the post, including any period of authorized annual leave with pay immediately following such status. 

723 Quarters Allowances 

723.1 Continuation During Recess Period 

The living quarters allowance grant authorized under Section 130 shall be continued during the recess period immediately preceding the next school year for a teacher who is in a teaching position at the close of a school year and who agrees in writing to serve as a teacher for the next school year.  If, however, a teacher who has agreed in writing to serve as a teacher for the next school year does not report for service at the beginning of that school year, they shall, except for reasons beyond their control and acceptable to the Department of Defense, be obligated to the United States in an amount equal to any quarters allowance which they may have received during the recess period, or in an amount equal to the reasonable value of any Government quarters which they occupied, or the storage which they were furnished during that period, or both, as the case may be in accordance with Section 7 of the Defense Department Overseas Teachers Pay and Personnel Practices Act (P.L. 86-91), as amended by P.L. 87-172. 

723.2 Continuation While Awaiting Authorized Transportation 

The living quarters allowance grant may be continued through the date of departure from the post for a teacher who, at any time and regardless of pay status, is required to await authorized transportation.  As an alternative, a temporary lodging allowance (Section 120) may be paid for a period not in excess of one month prior to final departure from the post. 

723.3 Limitation During Recess Period 

The Government quarters or storage furnished, in accordance with the law cited in Section 723.1, or quarters allowance granted, to a teacher shall be in lieu of any quarters or quarters allowances to which they otherwise might be entitled by reason of employment in another position during any recess period between two school years. 

724 Cost-of-Living Allowances 

724.1 Annual Salary Computation 

The annual basic compensation of a summer school teacher shall be computed by multiplying their daily rate of pay by 260. 

724.2 Basis for Cost-of-Living Allowances During Recess Period 

If a teacher is employed in another Government position during any recess period between two school years, any post allowance for which they are otherwise eligible under these regulations shall be based upon the salary of the position in which they are employed during such recess period. 

724.3 Post Allowance 

In computing post allowance for teachers paid on a school year basis, divide the total annual amount of post allowance payable from the appropriate table in Section 229.1 by the number of calendar days in the school year to obtain a daily rate.  Multiply the daily rate by the number of calendar days in the pay period (normally 14).