Per Diem Rates
Allowance Rates
Standardized Regulations (DSSR)
General Information
Quarterly Report Indexes
Office of Allowances
Department of State Standardized Regulations - (Last updated 05/01/2005)


061 Post Classifications 

The classifications (i.e. allowance rates) for living quarters, post, transfer, education allowance, danger pay, and post differential at any place in foreign areas where employees may be assigned are provided in the electronic Section 920 found at (eff. 5/1/05 TL:SR 650) 

(1) If the name of the post is listed individually in Section 920, the classifications shown for the post shall be applicable. 

(2) If the post is not listed individually in Section 920, but the country or area of assignment is listed, the appropriate classification for the country or area of assignment shall apply. 

(3) If the post is not listed individually in Section 920, the classification shown for "Other" for that country shall be applicable. 

(4) If neither the name of the post nor the name of the country or area is so listed, the classifications shown for "Other Foreign Localities" shall apply. 

062 Post Reclassifications 

If warranted by analysis of reports, a post will be reclassified for any allowances, post hardship differential and danger pay listed in Section 920.  Such reclassifications will be currently effective including those for individual posts which previously were classified under the "Other" listing and appear for the first time individually.  Revision of a post classification for an allowance, differential or danger pay necessitates revision of the payments to affected employees.  Where a post has been reclassified for education allowance in a grade or grades, the new rate shall apply only to grants which cover periods of school attendance beginning on or after the effective date of the reclassification. (eff. 5/1/05 TL:SR 650) 

063 Payment Tables 

See Chapter 900 for explanation of the post classification system and instructions for use of the payment tables.